Go To's Exfoliating Swipeys Review
Taking care of my skin, beneath the makeup, is so important to me. I have been caring for my skin since middle school. So my skincare game is real! I don’t wear makeup everyday so I’m always looking for products that helps to keep my face clear and smooth. I want to look good without makeup too!
I’ve tried several products over the years and was looking for exfoliating wipes to add to my skincare regimen. Some products have worked, others did not, and some were discontinued, but after a trip to Sephora I was introduced to a new product. This product definitely contributes to keeping my skin blemish free.
Have you heard of Go To Skincare? Well it’s definitely a product worth looking into. l tried their Exfoliating Swipeys for a couple of months now, and it has become one of my many favorite products that I use. It comes with 50 odorless pads, but I have to admit I really do not know which side of the pad to use, so I just use both sides. So far it works either way. It is for all skin types, and since my skin is not sensitive, I find it to be mild on my oily skin. It treats acne blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles, and dullness and uneven texture.
I have not had a chance to try other products that they offer yet. But when I do I’ll let you know my thoughts. Until then...
xo, M&C