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Gym Journal: Getting Back Into the Gym

Around this time of the year I should've been one of those proud flamingos strutting my new physic around a pool or on a beach somewhere, but life happened and delayed the process. It happens! Now that life is getting back on track I'm so glad to be back in the gym working on getting back all that I lost on my hiatus. I have some making up to do!

"...I should've been one of those proud flamingos strutting my new physic around a pool or on a beach somewhere,..."

It has been almost a year since we’ve worked out, and this will be no easy feat. I’m starting from square one again, and the soreness and lack of endurance I am not looking forward to. I'm not sure how or if I will be able to bounce back as fast as I want to, or even get to where I want to by my end of my set goal. What I do know is that I am more determined this time around than I ever was when I first started. Please understand, I am not a fan of working out. Matter of fact, I dislike sweating and feeling like I'm going to die! However, the results and knowing that I'm doing something awesome for my body internally and externally is what keeps me motivated...but it's mostly the results I see from exercising that makes me continue to strive to do better.

"What I do know is that I am more determined this time around..."

This time will be interesting for me considering I mysteriously acquired a knee injury back in November. I have been tending to it and rehabbing it myself. Which, by the way, I do not recommend, going to the doctor is the best solution for any out-of-the-ordinary feeling or injury you may experience. I am familiar with my body because I always end up injuring myself somehow, so I knew that it was a really bad sprain and nothing was torn in my knee. Fortunately, it has gotten much better since I knew somewhat how to care for my knee by following the RICE system (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).

"This time will be interesting for me considering I mysteriously acquired a knee injury back in November."

Regardless of my knee, my neck, my wrist, my arm, my back, my shin splits, my toe and whatever other injury I end up acquiring, (wow, don’t I sound like a hot mess lol!) I will continue on pushing through to getting my fineness on. After all, a diamond can only become brilliant if there’s pressure and heat applied. So shine on my fellow diamonds…shine on!

"...a diamond can only become brilliant if there’s pressure and heat applied."




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